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offshore software development services

Why, when, and when not to hire offshore developers?

India has emerged as the single most biggest hub for offshore software development services. Thanks to the 1.5 million engineers India churns out every year, the IT industry is in full bloom in India. 

The pandemic has further changed how companies operate. Several of them are moving away from in-house set up to remote working. 

Hiring offshore developers is still a major decision. Let’s look at why, when, and when not to hire offshore developers. 

Why opt for offshore software development services? 

Offshore software development services in India are cost effective. The cost of living in India is much lower to that in the west, which translates into availability of cost effective software solutions. 

Besides cost efficiency, Indian developers are hard workers and have a positive attitude towards their work. Their integrity makes it an enjoyable experience working with them. 

Passionate and ethical Indian developers are well-trained into managing peak demands. They speak English and are available to work diligently despite the time difference. 

When to hire an offshore software development company? 

Here’s a quick checklist you can refer to know if you are ready to hire an offshore software development company. Use this checklist to understand your requirements. 

  • You are looking to reduce your liabilities
  • You are on a tight budget
  • You want to scale your business efficiently
  • Your present team’s productivity is dropping
  • You require a core skill set
  • You need support 24*7
  • You are looking to reduce your risks
  • You want to use latest technology efficiently 

When not to hire an offshore software development company? 

Undoubtedly, outsourcing is beneficial. Here’s a quick look at scenarios when you should not hire an offshore software development company.

If you are already an expert in a given task, don’t outsource it. Outsourcing is essentially for work that you are not expert at. Next, check cost efficiency. If the company you are looking to hire is unable to offer you budget-friendly services, look elsewhere.

Last but not the least, you should have complete control over your project. If hiring an offshore software development company means loss of control, you’re better without it. 

Hope the above pointers will help you decide whether you should look for offshore software development services or not.

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