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Ways to Make A Website Mobile Friendly

Smartphones have become a part of our daily world. Today, we feel lost without our phones. From restaurants to hospitals to buses, you may find people staring at their mobile continuously. For website owners, it means that smartphones are used as a pastime by people, and it could serve as a good mobile experience.

Half of the world's population nowadays are using mobile to view various websites. The trend has gained momentum over the last few years. Having a mobile-friendly app is no longer an option; rather, it has become a necessity. If you cannot cater to the mobile users, you will push away the huge influx of traffic of mobile users.

If you want to develop a good mobile app, you need to take the help of freelance mobile developers. You can first check your mobile friendliness by using a mobile-friendly testing tool. The Google tool will tell you how mobile-friendly your website is, and it will also tell you how you can make your website mobile-friendly.

To increase the visibility of your website and increase conversion, here's how you can make your website mobile-friendly.

1. Your Website Should Be Responsive

Did you know that it is important that you have a responsive website design? The reason is that a responsive website not only provides the same content and information that you get access to from any device, but it also changes the format and displays appearance accordingly.

In other words, you can change the image or design based on the device screen. With responsive design, freelance mobile developers can make your website mobile-friendly without posing any limitation to the information used.

And also, responsive design is good for SEO because Google endorses it.

2. Let People Find the Information Easily

People usually use smartphones to find something specific. They want the information as fast as possible, easily and specifically.

Think about how the users will use your website to find the information. Make sure you place the important information on the mobile homepage easily. Also, keep in mind the FAQs that people most often look for on the website.

It may not be easy to put all the information on the homepage, but make sure that information is readily accessible. Your Mobile APP Development Company in Noida website should be easy to navigate. If you do not know what kind of information people are looking for while visiting your website, use Goggle analytics.

3. Remove Text Blocking Ads

Text blocking Ads and pop up is usually a nuisance for readers on mobile. Especially so, when you are trying to read a text on mobile on a small screen, the big ad or pop-up blocks the view of the page.

The users will not hesitate to go to another website because of the annoying text. So, if you want to create a positive user experience, freelance mobile developers can disable annoying ads or pop-ups that block the content of a page.

4. Website Speed is Important

If your website is slow or unresponsive, your audience is not going to wait for you long. Google research on mobile loading has found that most website needs just five seconds to load fully, and few users will wait long enough before moving away to other websites. 

Freelance mobile developers can deploy several tactics to improve the speed of your mobile website. They use AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), which encourages speeding up load times for your web pages on mobile. They also use compressed images and use a reputable hosting plan as per your current needs.

5. Keep it Simple

Avoid clutter for your web design, and instead, keep it simple. Freelance Mobile Developers stick to a clean, minimalist design approach that allows people to find what they are looking for readily. Also, having fewer files on each page will contribute to faster load times.  

In the end, keep testing, keep tweaking and keep yourself updated on the right way for mobile websites to work. Continue to put your mobile users in the priority, and you will be able to get higher ranks and increased visitors.