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offshore application development

How to Communicate with your Offshore Software Development Team?

Offshore application development has its advantages. You can save on costs, hire the best IT talent, and get quality output. But, there is one hiccup with offshore development. It’s communication.

With an in-house team, you can communicate with them whenever you want and know the progress of the app development hands-on. But, with an offshore team, it’s a bit tricky.

So, how to communicate with your offshore team? Here are some ways to establish effective communication.

1. Communicate with clarity

When your offshore application development team has clarity of purpose, they will work effectively. For this, you need to compose a strategic vision for your product.

Identify tasks that must be completed by a specific date and communicate the same with your offshore team. Also, share all the deliverables the team must give, such as deadlines, reports, and a schedule.

2. Make the offshore team comfortable

When you and your offshore have a mutual understanding of how things work in their respective companies, the work process will be seamless. Both the parties can feel comfortable working with each other.

You can share your company’s goals, vision, and needs with the offshore partner from day one for seamless workflow without any interruptions.

3. Communicate consistently

Schedule regular meetings daily, weekly, or fortnightly. It seems difficult, but you must do it as the offshore team may lose motivation and believe that you may be unconcerned about their work.

You can use collaboration platforms like Slack, Google docs, and others for daily communication. Also, you can schedule daily meetings via video conferencing applications like Google meets and Zoom.

Bottom Line

Whatever is your choice, keep the communication channels always open with your offshore mobile app development company.  And always be consistent at it.

If you need offshore mobile app development services, please click here.

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