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Go with HReZ and Monitor the Real-Time Productivity of an Employee

A common thing among successful organizations is high employee productivity. Many studies also suggest that there is a positive correlation between employee productivity and organization performance.

In normal circumstances, managers and team leads gauze employee productivity. But, these are not normal circumstances.

The unprecedented events that unfolded in the past two months changed the way organizations work. Those organizations whose work allows employees to work from home are mandating their employees to stay at home and work.

When there are restrictions on movement of people, what else can an organisation do than to ask their employees to work from home. And here lies the biggest challenge for organisations. How are they going to monitor their employee productivity without direct oversight?

If your organisation is facing the same problem, then the solution is HReZ, a top human resource management software.

HReZ - For Monitoring Employee Productivity

Remote working poses the challenge of employee productivity monitoring. Understanding this problem, the CHL Softech team developed the HReZ software as a solution.

HReZ is a cloud-based HR management software, which has its utility in times like these. Being a cloud-based software, you can monitor your employees productivity remotely.

The software has an in-built employee productivity tracking and management feature. Using the feature you can schedule work and track your workforce anytime.

You can assign work for each employee and track the time spent on the work. Also, using the feature your employees can report back to you on the work status. All this you can monitor in real-time from any location.

With HReZ, there is customisation option where you can customise the productivity tracking and management feature based on your organisational needs.

Not only you are able to monitor your employees' productivity, with HReZ, you can also get detailed analytics report in real-time. The report helps you in taking decisions judiciously.

Other Features

HReZ software actually makes the tedious work of human resource management easy. The software has features like attendance and leave management, payroll management, employee information management, performance appraisal management, and many more features that automates HR processes of an organisation.

You can provide training manuals and share videos with your employees with HReZ. Hassle-free documentation, safe and secure storing of employee data, and easy accessibility are some of the benefits of HReZ system

At a time like this, where you need to keep your business running, check employees productivity and meet their needs, HReZ is your best choice. For more details about the software, please contact us.

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