About the service

Effectual services provide support to both Plaintiff and defendant for patent litigation. For the Plaintiff (Patent Owner) Effectual services provide ready to litigate EOU charts with strong evidences from the infringing products. We evaluate a list of potential target companies working in the business area of claimed invention.Conducting thorough and extensive product search.Prepare the EOU chart and summary Mapping.

Check for the patent validity.

Effectual services also provides support to the defendents (product owner) by uncovering prior arts missed during the prosecution of a Patent Application.Thorough study of Subject patent and file wrapper (prosecution history) for claim construction and enablement purpose.

Searches are conducted on different databases using different different strategis (Keyword based, US-class bases, IPC-CPC class based, Assignee/Inventor Based).NPL search and Native language (Japanies, Korean and chinese) search capabilities.Prepare Summary Mapping and Claim-chart with identified potential prior arts.


Native (Asian) Language experts of effectual services formulate search queries in native language by using varying search strategies.

Search strategies are based on using native language technical keywords, class codes, citations , assignees and other mix and match strategies to uncover relevant arts.

Why Choose us?

Supporting both plaintiff and Defendents for patent litigation for the last 12 years.

Ready to litigate EOU charts (Infringement Reports) for Plaintiffs.

Claim charts (invalidity-report) with stronge evidences from both patent and non-patent literature prior arts.

Conducted around 600 Invalidity Searches in last fiscal year
Conducted 500 Infringment Searches during last year
Call to Action

Case Study

Effectual Services Perform searches in 3GPP domain, related to 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G technology. Perform searches in Automatic Vehicle technology.

Perform searches for Software, machine/Vertual learning, Artificial Intelligence related area. Semiconductor, Automobile, software and telecommunication.


Which databases are used for conducting patent litigation searches

Orbit, Patseer, USPTO, Espacenet, Google patents, Ambercite, Amplified Database, Relecura, Inhouse AI-tools

CiteSeerX, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, IEEE, 3GPP, Inhouse stand search tool (Staneffect)
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