About the service

Every patent applicant has a duty to disclose to the USPTO all known prior art or other information that may be material to the patentability of the invention in a pending application. To satisfy this duty of candor, the prior art information must be submitted to the USPTO in the form of an Information Disclosure Statement (“IDS”). Information Disclosure Statement, is a document that patent applicants or their representatives are required to submit during the patent application process. The purpose of the IDS is to disclose to the USPTO any information that is known to the applicant which may be relevant to the patentability of the invention claimed in the patent application.


The IDS Management typically includes information about prior art, which includes any relevant patents, published patent applications, and other documents or information that could affect the patentability of the claimed invention. This information is important for the patent examiner to assess whether the invention meets the criteria for patentability, including novelty and non-obviousness.

The methodology for preparing and submitting an Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) involves several key steps. Below is a general methodology to follow when preparing and submitting an IDS :

Step 1

Identify Relevant Prior Art (Cross-citation/Prior Art Search)

Begin by identifying all prior art references that may be relevant to your patent application. This includes patents, patent applications, scientific publications, technical papers, and other documents that could potentially affect the patentability of your invention.

Step 2

Evaluate the Relevance of Each Reference

Carefully review each reference to determine its relevance to your invention. Consider how it relates to the claims and features of your patent application. References that are similar or pertinent to your invention should be included in the IDS.

Step 3

Gather Complete Information

Collect complete and accurate information for each reference. This includes the title, publication date, author(s), publication source, and a brief description of the relevance of the reference to your invention.

Step 4

Complete the USPTO IDS Form

Use the official USPTO IDS form, such as PTO/SB/08a or PTO-1449, to list the references. Include all the gathered information for each reference on the form. Be sure to provide a concise but clear description of why each reference is relevant.

Step 5

Review and Verify the IDS

Carefully review the IDS form to ensure that all the information is accurate and complete. Mistakes or omissions can lead to delays or potential legal consequences. Double-check the accuracy of reference details.

Step 6

Submission of IDS at USPTO along with the applicable fees

  • Consider the timing of your IDS submission. It is important to submit the IDS as soon as you become aware of the relevant prior art. Timely submission is essential for a fair and thorough examination of your patent application.

  • Check the USPTO fee schedule to determine if there are any fees associated with filing an IDS. Some IDS submissions may require a fee. Ensure that the necessary fees are paid.

  • Submit the completed IDS form and any required fees to the USPTO. This can be done electronically through the USPTO's Electronic Filing System (EFS-Web) or by mail, depending on your preference and the specific requirements of the USPTO.

  • After submitting the IDS, regularly monitor the status of your patent application through the USPTO's online tools or resources. This will help you stay informed about any actions taken by the patent examiner in response to the IDS.


Scope includes cross-citation/cross- referencing of related applications & relevant applications found through Internal Search/Prior Art Search

Prior Art Documents

The most common content of an IDS is prior art documents. This includes :

Patents : Information on previously issued patents that may be relevant to the claimed invention.

Patent Applications : Published patent applications that could be pertinent to the invention.

Non-Patent Literature : Scientific papers, technical articles, books, and other non-patent literature that may relate to the invention.

  • Relevance to Claims : An IDS should provide a brief description of how each listed document is relevant to the claims of the patent application. This description should explain the connection between the document and the invention's features.

  • Non-Patent Prior Art : The scope of the IDS is not limited to patents and patent applications. It can also include any non-patent prior art, such as articles, academic papers, product manuals, and other written materials that are pertinent to the invention.

  • US/Foreign Prior Art : If you are aware of relevant prior art from sources outside the United States, it should be included in the IDS. The USPTO considers both US & foreign references when assessing patent applications.

  • Related Matters : In some cases, the scope of the IDS may extend to related matters, such as :
  • Prior Art Cited in Other Related Applications : If you have filed related patent applications, information about prior art cited in those applications should be included.
Timing : The scope of the IDS includes prior art and information that becomes known to the applicant or their representative during the pendency of the patent application. This duty to disclose is ongoing, and applicants are required to submit updated IDS forms as new relevant information becomes available.

Why Choose us?

At Effectual Services, we follow a rigorous and systematic approach to IDS preparation, ensuring that our clients receive a comprehensive and well-organized IDS package that includes ‘what’s new to cite’, ‘what’s already been cited’, ‘what’s not considered by Examiner’, so they can have the complete background and take decisions accordingly.

There are several compelling reasons to choose Effectual Services for your IDS Management needs :

Highly Qualified Team

Effectual Services boasts an experienced team comprising Law Graduates, MBA’s with enormous legal expertise making them well-suited for Intellectual Property-related services.

Quality and Reliability

As service providers, reliability and consistent performance are our top priorities. One might choose us because of our reputation for delivering high-quality services consistently.


People often seek value for their money, looking for reasonable prices without compromising quality. We provide the best and apt costs with focus on delivering high quality work.

Customer Service and Support

Excellent customer service, including responsiveness, helpfulness, and problem-solving capabilities, makes "us" the preferred choice for many consumers.

Tailored Solutions

Providing customized reports and recommendations to address your specific challenges and opportunities.

Empowering Innovation

Stay ahead of the competition, reduce costs, and drive innovation with our IDS Management service.

"As a leader in IP services, we bring proven expertise, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to your success.

"Unlock Innovation and Stay Ahead of the Curve! Choose Effectual Services for Your IDS Management Today.

Join hands with us and experience the difference. Contact us today to explore how we can make your projects a resounding success !

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Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) :

An IDS is a document submitted to the USPTO that discloses information, particularly prior art, relevant to the patentability of the invention claimed in a patent application. It is a crucial part of the patent application process.

You should submit an IDS as soon as you become aware of any relevant prior art or information that could affect the examination of your patent application. Timely submission is essential to ensure a fair and thorough examination.

Prior art includes patents, published patent applications, scientific literature, technical papers, and any other documents or information that existed before your patent application's filing date and may be relevant to your invention.

Failure to disclose material information, including relevant prior art, can have legal consequences and may affect the validity of the resulting patent. It's important to be thorough and diligent in the disclosure process.
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